Signed in as:
a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
The Foundation’s mission is to support Sandia Creek Ranch's efforts to offer a sanctuary for rescued horses and opportunities for individuals seeking equine education.
It is here, where horses are Rehabilitated, Re-trained and Re-homed as well as a hands-on living classroom for individuals of all ages to learn.
We do things a little bit different here at SCR.
First we get to decompress & get to just be a horse.
We want to understand each other first.
When we are ready for more, sometimes Kiersti shows us her fun sport of X-Country.
SCRAF supports the efforts of Sandia Creek Ranch, a 30 acre equine sanctuary gracefully nestled in the oak covered hills in Fallbrook, CA.
Between the scenery and staff, the horses have a safe haven to call home as they decompress, gain trust, and receive training until they can be re-homed to loving, caring families. SCR is home to SCRAF a 501(c)(3) Equine Non-Profit. SCR also hosts a United States Pony Club Riding Center where kids learn horse management and acquire compassionate concern and gain skill through an equus-centric seat on ponies and horses matched to them. As they move up the levels of horsemanship, they also move up to sport horses (mainly Thoroughbreds) for competitions and certifications.
Although SCRAF is relatively new, the Wylie family of SCR, essentially 3rd generation horsemen, has rescued and trained horses for over 30 years. They continue to be highly influenced by clinics with the American Association for Horse Safety, Monty Roberts, and teaching and adhering to the standards of proficiency that United States Pony Club requires.
SCR is located in close proximity to Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Our plan is to offer a credentialed program to Marines and other soldiers that makes the transition back to civilian life a humanizing experience.
In addition, the Wylies bring experience from the rescue of a small herd of pregnant wild mares, bringing the mares and their foals to successful careers, all the while learning from the horses themselves, forming reflexive human-equine relationships.
Safety and compassion are instilled into everyone at the ranch. Everyone handling horses takes an active part in an introductory class on "How we do things at SCR.” They then must pass a verbal, written, and hands-on examination before being allowed to work. When ready, they first work closely with a mentor, then independently with approved horses.
SCR endeavors to teach everyone everything they know about the horses:
from "how a horse thinks,” to cautious, thoughtful daily care, to veterinary skills (for some); to centered riding and up through advanced skills and competition levels. Each step of building the rider’s knowledge and relationship with the horse is sequentially designed to ensure the horse's comfort, well being, and happiness. These represent SCR’s priority training outcomes. To assist with the maintenance of this ambitious program, SCR hosts a volunteer program where enthusiastic horsemen and women may come from around the world. Sometimes the volunteers are veterinarians preparing for their internships at our country’s best veterinary clinics.
SCRAF is a 501(c)(3) (EIN: 46-5237264)
All gifts to SCRAF are 100% tax deductible.
To send a gift by check use the
SCRAF Office Address:
Sandia Creek Ranch Auxiliary Foundation
40373 Sandia Creek Dr.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
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